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‘Your Services, Your Choices’ – launch of public consultation on fire and rescue services in North Wales


North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority is encouraging people to get involved in helping to plan

how fire and rescue services should be developed in North Wales over the next few years.

The Authority is committed to making North Wales a safer place to live, work and visit but financial pressures on public services mean that difficult decisions are having to be made about how to continue to meet demand for services with dwindling budgets.


The Authority is therefore keen to hear people’s views on providing excellent and affordable services in North Wales. The Fire and Rescue Authority continually reviews and improves the services it provides, and as part of an annual planning process it invites everyone to share their views and opinions on its proposed priorities.  

This is an important consultation that presents four key questions – what do you think? Or you may have another suggestion for providing affordable fire and rescue services in North Wales?

Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies, Chair of the Fire and Rescue Authority, said: “We all understand that there is less money for public services to use than we would like, but accept that the situation is unlikely to improve for a number of years. Anyone involved in public services will know how hard it is to continue to provide the services that people expect when the money isn’t available.


“The questions we are asking as part of this consultation are to do with how we can ensure we provide the best service possible with the money we have available to us.


“The more people get involved, the better our prospects of achieving the right balance of services in what we provide. The more opinions we receive, the more we can be confident that the detailed action plans we develop will deliver exactly what the people of North Wales want.”


The public can find out more about getting involved by logging on to the website – responses must be forwarded by the deadline on 11th December 2015.


The Authority will consider its future plans in light of the responses received and publish the final 2016-17 Improvement Plan on the Authority’s website by 31st March 2016.

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