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Could you be a Firefighter? Positive Action day aimed at under-represented groups


There’s no such thing as a typical Firefighter – that’s the message from North Wales Fire and Rescue Service as it announces that a Positive Action day is being held to encourage individuals from under-represented groups to consider a career as a Firefighter.


The Positive Action day is aimed at achieving a workforce that reflects the diversity of the community, and which in turn helps to deliver the best possible fire and rescue service to the people of North Wales.


Under-represented groups within the current workforce are females, black and ethnic minorities and individuals from the LGBT community.


The fire and rescue service is currently looking to recruit Retained Duty System (RDS) / On-Call Firefighters at a number of locations to help protect communities across the region and in due course will be recruiting for Wholetime Firefighters and is keen to hear from enthusiastic individuals interested in this challenging and rewarding career.


Llinos Gutierrez Jones, Human Resources Manager, explains: “Presently the number of our employees who are women, people from black and ethnic minorities and LGBT groups is significantly lower than we would like for a modern fire and rescue service.


“With this in mind we will be hosting a Positive Action event aimed specifically at raising awareness amongst these identified under-represented groups within our workforce.


“The event is intended to provide those attending with an opportunity to gain an insight into the career of a firefighter and our selection process.


“If you embody one of these under-represented groups, live in North Wales and are interested in a career as an RDS firefighter we would love to hear from you.”



GET INVOLVED – There is no such thing as a typical Firefighter


A Positive action day is being held on:

Friday 29 June 2018 – Deeside Fire Station


  • Come along to a morning or afternoon session
  • Meet some of our staff, including members of the recruitment team and the training department
  • Get a useful insight into the Fire and Rescue Service as an employer and the types of opportunities available
  • Find out about the different roles of Firefighters and the recruitment and selection process
  • Try on the Firefighter kit and have a hands on experience of the physical requirements and fitness standards
  • Breakdown any perceived barriers
  • Make an informed decision about joining the Service.Positive Action does not guarantee employment to those involved and any offer of employment must be made on merit.

Spaces are limited so advance booking is required – please contact the HR Department on 01745 535281 or to book a place now.

Information on the role of the Retained Duty Firefighter is available here

For more details on opportunities for a career as a RDS firefighter please visit our website .

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